Ninth edition theme deck «World Aflame» (russian)



40-card russian red theme deck also a short deck-description. The «World Aflame» deck lets you take command by destroying your opponent's lands, damaging your opponent's creatures, and controlling the ground with creatures of your own. You'll be able to wreck enough stuff on the other side of the table that your opponent shouldn't be able to put up much of a fight!

Red magic is all about destruction. Камнепад and Разрушение blow up your opponent's lands. No lands - no spells.If you suddenly find you're facing too many enemy creatures, Пожар can wipe them all out at once. It's your best weapon against creature-based decks. As long as it takes down more of your opponent's creatures than yours, it can give you a huge advantage. Анархист and Магнивор are great creatures later in the game. Early on, you'll play lots of sorceries to blow up your opponent's creatures and lands. Анархист gets your best sorcery back from your graveyard so you can play it again. Магнивор, on the other hand, gets bigger the more sorceries that have been played. It counts your opponent's sorceries too, and each new sorcery you play keeps making it grow! Even better, the haste ability means that unlike other creatures, it can attack the same turn you play it. It's huge, it's a surprise, and it will often win you the game.


3 Бальдувийские варвары C
3 Гигант с холмов C
1 Магнивор R
2 Анархист U
1 Пляшущий ятаган U
3 Вулканический молот C
1 Паника от атаки C
2 Камнепад C
2 Разрушение U
2 Лавовый топор C
1 Пожар R
1 Ослепительный свет U
1 Коготь Дракона U

Item ID: 99726
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