Отдельные карты:   / Тени над Иннистрадом (PR)

Pic edition title color rarity price


Shadows over Innistrad (PR) Altered Ego FOIL Gold Rare 616 rub
Shadows over Innistrad (PR) Anguished Unmaking FOIL Gold Rare 2846 rub
Shadows over Innistrad (PR) Arlinn Kord // Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon FOIL Gold MythicRare 1456 rub
Shadows over Innistrad (PR) Fevered Visions FOIL Gold Rare 1680 rub
Shadows over Innistrad (PR) Nahiri, the Harbinger FOIL Gold MythicRare 2232 rub
Shadows over Innistrad (PR) Olivia, Mobilized for War FOIL Gold MythicRare 1300 rub
Shadows over Innistrad (PR) Prized Amalgam FOIL Gold Rare 270 rub
Shadows over Innistrad (PR) Sigarda, Heron's Grace FOIL Gold MythicRare 1965 rub
Shadows over Innistrad (PR) Sorin, Grim Nemesis FOIL Gold MythicRare 4955 rub
Shadows over Innistrad (PR) The Gitrog Monster FOIL Gold MythicRare 4484 rub
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